Join me on the search for virtuosity in fashion, interior design and decorative objects, and experience their discovery with me. Just call me Appreciator-in-Chief!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Confectionary Fashion

Pastels are having a moment in fashion right now, and in some surprising venues.

Talk about a "palette cleanser" for fall!

Missoni had some of the most refreshing examples anywhere.

Armani Prive, Mary Katrantzou, Gucci et al covered the look as well,
giving us some respite from the usual A/W fare.

Options always abound, but I don't mind a designer putting out the
viewpoint in a fresh way and reminding me, snapping me
out of my preconceptions and expectations!

Lovely to look at, fun to wear, luxurious and cozy on a cold day - why not?

Counter intuitive? Good!

And don't forget your pale green crocodile briefcase!

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The Color Eggplant

My favorite season is fall.

Having grown up on the East Coast. outside of Boston, my love affair
with this time of year has never wavered though
I now live in Northern California.

I get my fall on in Marin County  and Sonoma, where the leaves change
and the temperatures drop in a way reminiscent of early fall
in New England.

I am lately enamored of an eggplant/oxblood hue, which I am
highlighting in this week's posts.

In keeping with my love of fall, I have always been drawn to the color
palette.  Eggplant is dark enough to evoke the season and is an
option when black is too formal or inappropriate for the occasion.
Eggplant works well with other spicy colors like
nutmegs, greens or pumpkins.

Herewith, some designer options in clothing and acessories.

Let's get the fall rolling!!

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Combinations from a Dream Wardrobe

The abundance of outstanding images that I have accumulated in just a short time has stimulated my imagination in an unexpected way.

I am struck by the similarities, not the differences, amongst designers.and want to combine all of their efforts for a dream wardrobe.

Like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

And I live here:

We can all dream!!
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